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Health Tips for Cats

Bach Flower Essences


Bach Flower Essences (also known as Remedies) are safe to use for you or your cat. Some cats may be sensitive to the alcohol content, but this can be resolved by adding the remedy to water or by applying to the paw pads or ear flaps instead of giving orally.

Buy the original Bach Flower Essences Here

For emergencies, stress, trauma, shock, anxiety. Alternative to sedatives, tranquilizers. To revive weak cats after birthing, fading kittens. After anesthesia. In cases of heatstroke, exhaustion. To help wounds heal more quickly. Prior to veterinarian visits, grooming, travel, rescues, during training. Bleeding, difficulty breathing, burns, choking, colic, diabetes, fractures, nervousness, pancreatitis, paralysis, poisoning, severe itching, sneezing, sudden collapse, wounds. Caution! NOT a replacement for veterinarian care.

AGRIMONY (Agrimonia eupatoria)
Restores inner peace and contentment. Indicated for panting, rapid heart rate, pain, concealed distress, dilated pupils, appears normal despite obvious injury, defecation or urination on the bed, or other personal items.

ASPEN (Populus tremula)
Restores calm, courage, normal breathing, reduces tension, Indicated for sudden anxiety, trembling, becomes panicky if something new or unexpected happens, fear of unknown things, changes in environment, diarrhea, bladder weakness, so timid they cannot be held, excessive grooming. Combined with Mimulus to help with feline irritable bowel syndrome.

BEECH (Fagus sylvatica)
Restores tolerance and flexibility. Indicated for anti-social bad tempered cats that swipe, bite, scratch, ambush, or turn their back on other cats and people, destructive urination, or scratching, stubborn behavior. A combination of Beech, Holly, Vine and Willow may be used to treat these and similar behaviors.

CENTAURY (Centaurium umbellatum)
Restores assertiveness, individuality and resistance. Indicated for convalescence following acute illness, so anxious to please, that they become obnoxious in their attention, submissive, subject to bullying by other cats. Combined with Olive, helps restore strength. Combined with Oak, helps restore endurance.

CERATO (Ceratostigma willmottiana)
Restores self-assurance, confidence and initiative. Indicated for 'copy cats' that consistently imitate other cats behavior, constantly seek approval, cannot relate to other cats, inadequate social behavior, difficulties engaging in mating behavior, lack of confidence is consistent.

CHERRY PLUM (Prunus cerasifera)
A component of the Rescue Remedy, or can be used for emergencies as a single remedy. Restores calm and control. Indicated for extreme fight/flight reaction caused by fear, uncontrollable self destructive behavior including excessive licking, biting, pulling out hair, mothers that destroy their kittens at birth, epilepsy. Rarely given as a single remedy, usually combined with Aspen or in Rescue Remedy.

CHESTNUT BUD (Aesculus hippocastanum)
Restores the ability to learn from experience. Indicated for bad habits, recurrent sickness and fungal infections that resist other treatment, indiscriminate urination and scratching. Combined with Rock Water for learning and repetitive behavior.

CHICORY (Chicorium intybus)
Restores normal protectiveness and caring. Indicated for clingy behavior, where the cat will not let others out of sight, always pushing others aside to gain attention, mothers that are overprotective, continue allowing kittens to nurse after twelve weeks, biting or nipping to gain attention.

CLEMATIS (Clematis vitalba)
A component of the Rescue Remedy, or can be used for emergencies as a single remedy. Restores alertness and focus. Indicated for shock, when body feels cold, after collapse, exhaustion, loss of consciousness, concussion, epileptic seizure, after surgery, revitalization of older cats.

CRAB APPLE (Malus pumila)
Restores cleanliness and dignity. Indicated for normally clean cats suffering from diarrhea, incontinence, rescued cats which have been confined with their own excrement and urine, obsessive grooming habits including licking, scratching, pulling hair out, acute and chronic skin abscess, acne, eczema, dandruff, infected with fleas, parasites, worms, loss of hair despite otherwise good health, heavily matted coats, any dietary change, as a regular detox to help eliminate chemical air pollution, when a cat seeks grass and herbs to eat, for allergies, anytime a cat is sick, as a detoxifier anytime antibiotics or steroids are used, before surgery, anytime there is a danger of infection, for digestive obstruction, including hair balls, stud tail, runny eyes, ears or noses, anal gland infection.

ELM (Ulmus procera)
Restores resistance. Indicated for mothers overwhelmed with demands of kittens, during birthing to regularize contractions and prevent overstraining, stress allergies, any prolonged illness, and prolonged stress. Combined with Oak for endurance. Combined with Larch for loss of confidence.

GENTIAN (Gentiana amarella)
Restores perseverance and appetite. Indicated for loss of a companion, congestive heart failure, loss of appetite, refusal to eat. Combined with Wild Rose for caged in rescue center, dull coat.

GORSE (Ulex europaeus)
Restores perseverance, endurance, vitality. Indicated for loss of kittens, obesity indicated by lethargy. Combined with Gentian for leukemia and Cancer and long periods in rescue centers.

HEATHER (Calluna vulgaris)
Restores composure. Indicated for constantly demanding attention. Combined with Chicory for synergistic effect.

HOLLY (llex aquifollium)
Restores tolerance. Indicated for specific dislikes, malice, particularly friends of their caretaker, multiple cat households that do not get along well together, intensive illnesses, highly acute, very severe allergies, asthma attacks, sudden high fevers, sever pain or infection. Combined with Beech when introducing new animals or people into an environment.

HONEYSUCKLE (Lonicera caprifollium)
Restores adjustment to present circumstances. Indicated for rescues that cannot adjust to new environment, revitalization of older cats, following severe sickness, prevention of relapse, loss of hair, skin disorder, and stress when away from home, will not eat or eliminate. Combined with Walnut to help during adjustment to changes in home or new caretaker. Combined with Rock Water to promote adjustment and adaptability.

HORNBEAM (Carpinus betulus)
Restores vitality. Indicated for enforced inactivity, as a tonic after illness, when symptoms are worse in the morning, but improve during the day, daily treatment of cancer, when subjected to a change of routine on a weekly basis, recovering from a debilitating disease. Combined with Olive when lethargic for unknown reasons.

IMPATIENS (Impatiens glandulifera)
A component of the Rescue Remedy, or can be used for emergencies as a single remedy. Restores patience, reduces irritability, lack of cooperation. Indicated for hyperactivity, loss of weight, restlessness, skin irritations, itching, eczema, irritable bowel syndrome, vomiting and diarrhea unrelated to diet, pain, stabilizing breathing problems. Caution! Irritability may indicate that the cat is in pain, examination by a veterinarian is recommended.

LARCH (Larix decidua)
Restores confidence and willingness to recover. Indicated for abused or traumatized cats, poor resistance to illness, any confinement in a rescue shelter, chronic illness, dominant cats that begin to spray, newly adopted stray,.

MIMULUS (Mimulus gattatus)
Restores courage. Indicated for timid cats, afraid of noise, confined spaces, other cats, being groomed, and shows nervousness by restlessness, in the treatment of heart disorders, during travel.

MUSTARD (Sinapsis arvensis)
Restores serenity, dispels gloom. Indicated for sudden onset of illness, unknown physical, chemical or hormonal imbalance.

OAK (Quercus robur)
Restores resilience, endurance, strength and stamina. Indicated for chronic illness, obsessive behavior, females in constant heat, while living in poor conditions. Combined with Olive for exhaustion, terminal illness

OLIVE (Olea europaea)
Restores strength and the capacity for regeneration. Indicated for chronic illness, exhaustion from seizures or illness, recover from surgery or convalescence, long stressful conditions, revitalization of older cats, feline leukemia.

PINE (Pinus sylvestris)
Restores positive attitude. Indicated for people who do not think they have done enough for their cat, blame themselves for not noticing signs of illness, inaction or poor decision and other mistakes, animals that pick up on their caretakers guilt.

RED CHESTNUT (Aesculus carnea)
Restores confidence, trust and calmness in emergencies. Indicated for females that mother their kittens too long, or delay weaning them, that will not let anyone near the kittens, temporarily prior to separation from kittens or mother to help with transition, females that constantly seek new hiding places for kittens, after a traumatic event. Combined with Aspen or Mimulus for fear, anxiety.

ROCK ROSE (Helianthemum nummularium)
A component of the Rescue Remedy, or can be used for emergencies as a single remedy. Restores courage, bravery and calmness. Indicated for panic, terror, signs of extreme fear, extreme escape behavior, heatstroke.

ROCK WATER (water from a spring or well known to have healing powers)
Restores flexibility, spontaneity, suppleness, gentleness. Indicated for lack of adaptability and stress associated with change, territorial behavior, dominant behavior, inconsistent urination, spraying, scratching and biting, refusal to eat. Combined with Beech for dominance and aggression. Combined with Walnut for adaptation to change.

SCLERANTHUS (Scleranthus annuus)
Restores stability and balance. Indicated for unclear, changing symptoms, (i.e, alternating diarrhea, constipation), travel sickness, hormonal imbalance.

STAR OF BETHLEHEM (Ornithogalum umbellatum)
A component of the Rescue Remedy, or can be used for emergencies as a single remedy. Restores mental, emotional, physical calmness. Indicated for shock, traumatic events, grief, intense pain, birth trauma, after anesthesia or post-operative, severe chronic sickness. May be applied topically in cases of trauma to trigger healing

SWEET CHESTNUT (Castanea sitva)
Restores perseverance, endurance. Indicated for refusal to eat after separation from companion or caretaker, self mutilation, difficulty giving birth, chronic illness, Combined with Olive for endurance May be applied topically for skin conditions.

VERVAIN (Verbena officinalis)
Restores restraint. Indicated for hystrung, hyperactivity. Combined with Chestnut Bud for compulsive behavior.

VINE (Vitis vinefera)
Restores positive leadership in natural dominant cats. Indicated for cats that bully and frighten other cats, aggression to establish dominance, anti-social cats. Caution! Aggression may be caused by pain or illness, examination by a veterinarian is recommended. Combined with Crab Apple for constipation.

WALNUT (Juglans regia)
Restores adaptability, the ability to change. Indicated for transitions in environment, diet, females coming into heat, especially first heats, during pregnancy, after neutering or spaying, major environment changes, before and after anesthesia. Combined with Honeysuckle to break links with the past.

WATER VIOLET (Hottonia palustris)
Restores social contact. Indicated for loner, anti-social cats, during illness to reinforce inner strength, trigger healing.

WHITE CHESTNUT (Aesculus hippocastanum)
Restores the ability to rest. Indicated for obsessive behavior, females that constantly move kittens. Combined with Aspen and Mimulus for anxiety, fear. Combined with Crab Apple and Chestnut Bud to break bad habits, Combined with Crab Apple where scratching is because of fleas

WILD OAT (Bromus ramosus)
Restores direction of energies and potentials. Indicated for any altered animal.

WILD ROSE (Rosa canina)
Restores life force, the will to live. Indicated for critical condition, cold body, long term debilitating illness, lack of energy, and total disinterest in food for no apparent reason. Combined with Crab Apple for hypothyroidism.

WILLOW (Salix vitellina)
Restores good temper. Indicated for maliciousness, spitefulness, elimination outside of the litter box.

Last updated - 24 November 2007