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The International Snowshoe Cat Association (TISCA)

TICA 2012

The International Cat Association (TICA) - Snowshoe 2011/2012 Winners with Titles earned (when available)!

Best TICA Snowshoe Kittens - 2011/2012 Show Season

Snowcats its a dream

MA Region

(photo not available)

To check all TICA Snowshoe Breed Standings for the 2011/2012 Show Season click on the following link!

Click here to download or view TICA Snowshoe Standings for 2011/2012

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Best Snowshoe Championship Cats - 2011/2012 Show Season

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2011/2012 TICA Best Championship Cat

Coldenufforsnow Gaiety

EW Region

Best Snowshoe Championship Alters - 2011/2012 Show Season

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Advish Ice Maiden (aka Maddie)
TICA Best Championship Alter

Advish Ice Maiden

EW Region

Photo Copyright by Robert Fox

Advish Ice Maiden retired from a successful breeding career and is now enjoying the exhibiting as an Alter in the UK. We look forward to seeing more show reports from her.

This page last updated - 04 August 2012

The International Snowshoe Cat Association (TISCA)