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The International Snowshoe Cat Association (TISCA)

By Laws

By Laws of The International Snowshoe Cat Association:


The International Snowshoe Cat Association (TISCA)


Section 1 - The name of this organization shall be:

The International Snowshoe Cat Association

ARTICLE II - Objectives

Section 1 - The primary objectives of this club shall be:

a. To sponsor and promote the welfare of the Snowshoe cat, including both pedigreed and non-pedigreed (domestic/natural) cats.

b. To sponsor special programs and otherwise promote the interest in and knowledge of the Snowshoe cat breed.

c. To cultivate friendship among and promote the interests of the owners, fanciers, exhibitors and breeders of the Snowshoe cat.

d. To encourage breeding toward The International Cat Associations (TICA) standard for the Snowshoe breed.

e. To sponsor and promote the Snowshoe Rescue Network.

Section 2 - Other objectives of this club shall be:

f. To promote and encourage kindness to all animals and to assist in the prevention of cruelty and maltreatment of animals.

g. To encourage spaying and neutering of any and all cats not specifically being used as part of a viable breeding program that conforms to the TICA standard for the Snowshoe breed, in order to reduce the excessive trend to over-population of, and tragedy among unwanted cats.

h. To encourage breeding programs that supports the health and welfare of the cats, rather than breeding for profit.

ARTICLE III- Membership

Section 1 - Persons interested in the objectives of this club shall be eligible to apply for membership.

There are two types of membership:

General Membership (Internet)

No Annual fee

Entitles member to:

* Copy of Bylaws, Charter

* May contribute on issues concerning the Snowshoe Cat

* The Shue News (newsletter) or other club publications

* May contribute material for publication in the newsletter or other club publications

Breeder and Exhibitor Membership (Internet)

No Annual fee

* Breeder members are required to adhere to the TISCA Code of Ethics or to the breeders own code of ethics

Entitles member to:

* General membership benefits

* Voting on issues concerning the Snowshoe Cat

* Cattery listed on the TISCA web site 

* On request, a listing and link on the TISCA web site

All members are entitled to apply for a web page on the TISCA web site. Web pages are available as follows:

Initial setup (advertisement free) at no cost.

Initial setup (with advertisement) (applicable set up fee dependent on the size/extent of the advertisement)
Changes to a web site with advertisement (applicable fee dependent on the number/size/extent of the advertisement changes) 

Note: Additional pages will be available, but subject to the web hosts charge for additional space.
Section 3 - Membership applications shall be accepted by any officer and submitted to the Membership Committee for approval. Acceptance will be automatic unless either an officer or a member submits an objection in writing. If an objection or negative report is received on an applicant, officers will be polled, and the application will be rejected unless a majority of the officers agree to accept the member on a trial basis. If the member is accepted on a trial basis as an Inactive member, the application will be reviewed quarterly. If no additional negative reports are received, the member will be accepted as a member. Type of membership will be based on the type designated on the member's application. It will not be necessary to submit a new application to change membership type, however, the request must be made in writing (email is acceptable).

Section 4 - A simple majority of votes shall be sufficient to reject an applicant. Tie votes shall be considered as a rejection.

Section 5 - Notice shall be sent to each accepted or rejected applicant by the Secretary or by a Vice President.

Section 6 - Any husband, wife, partner or child of a regular member will be accepted as an Inactive Associate member unless an Active membership is applied for. Inactive Associate members may not hold office or vote, but shall have all other privileges of regular members.

Section 7 - It shall be the duty of each member to uphold the purposes of The International Snowshoe Cat Association club by carefully fulfilling the terms of all transactions concerned with cats, such as sales, stud fees and pedigrees, whether such business is carried on with other club members or breeders or with the public at large. Upon receipt of a written complaint from any injured party, the member will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Article IX of these By-laws.

ARTICLE IV - Affiliation

Section 1 - This club shall be a non-affiliated club. However, temporary affiliations for one to three months for specific projects may be permitted by a majority vote of the officers. If a project runs more than three months, a new vote must be obtained to continue the temporary affiliation.


Section 1 - This club is intended primarily to serve the interests of the owners, fanciers, exhibitors and breeders of Snowshoe cats internationally.

ARTICLE VI - Meetings

Section 1 - Formal meetings shall be held on such dates and at such time and place as the President or a simple majority of the Officers shall designate. Due to the unique nature and geographical location of the members of this club, even formal meetings may be conducted via internet.

Section 2 - Special meetings may be called from time to time if necessary for the transaction of important business and may be called by the President, a simple majority of the Officers, or upon written demand of five or more members. The business at this meeting shall be limited to that mentioned in the call or written demand.

Section 3 - Members shall be notified of any meeting which affects the By-laws or charter for this club, and of any formal meeting. Members shall be provided copies of any decisions affecting the entire membership of the club.

Section 4 - A simple majority must consist of at least three Active officers. A majority must consist of all officers. A full majority must consist of all officers, and a majority of the membership in response to a written poll, which may be posted on the internet or may be emailed, or may be mailed, or may be a combination of any of these methods.

Section 5 - When formal meetings are held, a simple majority must be present or respond for the transaction of business, or the transaction must be reported via internet to the club officers and/or membership with a vote required before the transaction can be approved.

ARTICLE VII - Officers

Section 1 - The officers of this club shall consist of a President, one or more Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, one or more Rescue Network Coordinators and/or one or more Counselors and the Founder/Councilor. When the officers consist of more than one Vice President, they may work independently of each other, except when acting in the President's absence. At such times, the President will designate whether one or the other, or both are in charge. When both are in charge, any business transactions will require that both vote or agree on the transaction. The offices of the Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer may be combined at the discretion of the President, a simple majority of the officers, or by vote of the club membership.

Section 2 - The management of the business and affairs of this club shall be under the direction of a Board of Directors which shall be made up of the elected and/or voluntary officers of this club, to include the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Rescue Network Coordinator and the Founder/Counselor.

Section 3 - Officers shall be elected during February of each year and shall take office on 01 April to serve for the ensuing year or until their successors are duly elected. In the event that no new officers are nominated for election, members may volunteer and be elected. Membership votes must equal a minimum of sixty percent of the membership. If insufficient membership votes for election are received, the current officers may accept the membership vote, or they may vote for a new or replacement officer until such time as a sixty percent membership vote can be accomplished.

Section 4 - Vacancies in offices shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the remaining officers.

ARTICLE VIII - Duties of Officers

Section 1 - The President shall preside at all meetings of the officers and members, and shall perform other duties are incidental to his office. He shall be ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 2 - The Vice President(s) shall perform all of the duties of the President in the absence of that officer.

Section 3 - The Secretary shall keep copies of all email correspondence for meetings via internet, or minutes from physical meetings and shall present them at ensuing meetings when requested. The Secretary shall notify members of regular and special meetings at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting to allow the members to contact officers and provide input on items on the agenda, and will provide a copy of the agenda for the meeting to the officers and members.

Section 4 - The Treasurer shall receive and have custody of all monies and shall be accountable for all funds received from members of the association up to $500. If funds exceed this amount, the Treasurer will establish a bank account or Pay Pal account in the name of the club. He shall keep an account of all receipts and expenditures and shall render a financial report annually to the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall keep a record of all members of the club, with their names, mailing addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers. A copy of the membership list will be provided to the President and Secretary when a new member is added, or when a member is removed. A copy of the membership list will be provided to any member of the officers as requested. Disbursement of all monies with the exception of miscellaneous business expenses up to $100 shall be by direction of the President and/or Founder/Councilor, or by a majority vote of the officers and/or membership.

Section 6 - If funds exceed $500, on or before 1 April of each year, the President, Secretaries and Treasurer shall prepare an annual report for the club, to include an annual financial report.

ARTICLE IX - Discipline and Contingencies

Section 1 - Discipline - The Officers of the club may suspend or expel from the membership, any person who, after a fair and impartial hearing shall be found guilty of violating any of the rules of this club, or of conduct detrimental to this club, or to the Snowshoe Cat, or to the cat fancy. If the member is suspended or expelled and has a web page affiliated with TISCA, their web page will be suspended or removed from the TISCA web site.

Section 2 - In the event that the elected officers do not fulfill their duties to the point that the club is in danger, the Founder/Councilor may declare an emergency and shall have the authority to remove the delinquent officer(s) and instigate an emergency election.

Section 3 - In the event that a breeder member fails to sign or adhere to the TISCA Code of Ethics or the code of ethics established by the breeder, the Officers of the club will suspend or expel from the membership any breeder who, after a fair and impartial hearing shall be found guilty of violating the TISCA Code of Ethics or the breeders documented code of ethics. If a breeder is suspended or expelled and has a web page affiliated with TISCA, their web page will be suspended or removed from the TISCA web site.

Section 4 - In the event that this club disbands for any reason, the Founder/Councilor will work with the President, Treasurer and/or other officers to determine a fair and impartial disbursement of all monies in the clubs bank account to one or more rescue organizations or to indivudal foster homes, or a combination of the two options.

Last Update - 06 August 2014

The International Snowshoe Cat Association (TISCA)